Photo by Maria Baranova
Photo by Maria Baranova
Photo by Maria Baranova
Photo by Maria Baranova
Title Comes Last, performed (left to right) by Kit McDaniel, Cori Kresge, Justin Dominic, Cori Kresge, and Matilda Sakamoto, photography by Julie Lemberger
Title Comes Last, performed (left to right) by Kit McDaniel and, Justin Dominic, photography by Julie Lemberger
Title Comes Last, performed (left to right) by Kit McDaniel, Esmé Boyce, Matilda Sakamoto, and Cori Kresge, photography by Julie Lemberger
Interrobang, performed (left to right) by Cori Kresge and Esmé Boyce, photography by Darren Hoffman
Dark and Pretty Flat performed (left to right) by Ted Levine, Esmé Boyce, Kit Heron McDaniel, Giulia Carotenuto, Christopher Ralph, photography by Darren Hoffman
Dark and Pretty Flat performed (left to right) by Christopher Ralph, Giulia Carotenuto, Esmé Boyce, photography by Darren Hoffman
Dark and Pretty Flat performed (left to right) by Christopher Ralph, Giulia Carotenuto, Kit Heron McDaniel, photography by Darren Hoffman
Untitled Female Solo, performed by Esmé Boyce, screenshot
Untitled Female Solo, performed by Esmé Boyce, screenshot
The Particular Premiere of a First, performed by (left to right) Allysen Hooks, Jin Ju Song-Begin, Katherine Partington, Giulia Carotenuto, Kendra Samson and Carlye Eckert, screenshot
The Particular Premiere of a First, performed by Allysen Hooks, Katherine Partington, Jin Ju Song-Begin, Carlye Eckert, Giulia Carotenuto, and Kendra Samson screenshot
The Particular Premiere of a First, performed by Allysen Hooks, Jin Ju Song-Begin, Katherine Partington, Giulia Carotenuto, and Carlye Eckert (under fabric) with soloist Kendra Samson, screenshot